Like many entries in this franchise, some of this will get ironed out in future updates. The good news is that the core gameplay loop is strong. Granted, there have been some launch problems. The game, which ran at a tick-rate of 60 hz during the beta, had its servers downgraded to one third that rate at launch.

That problem, and many others, was ultimately fixed. But as with any massive online game, there are going to be hiccups. Treyarch's ability to solve these and speak openly about problems with the community gives me faith in this game's ability to endure post-launch.įor the most part, I find multiplayer to be engrossing, challenging and more tactical than past entries in the series. You need to press L1 (or its equivalent on Xbox One or PC) in order to heal and there's a short cooldown between healings.Instead of loading out with grenades and flashbangs, each specialist has his or her own special ability (though you can unlock and equip frags and other gear later as you level up.).There's a wide range of abilities, from razor wire you can set as a defensive wall or trap, to ammo packs and tripmines.Once used, these go on a cooldown cycle before you can use them again. For instance, Ruin's grappling hook cylces very quickly since it's just a mobility power rather than something lethal.Each specialist also has a super power.You'll need to wait to use it as they build slowly throughout the match. Once the super meter fills up you can unleash whatever power your specialist has, from deadly barricades to powerful killer dogs to deadly grenade launchers. When to use these is another tactical decision players need to make. If this all sounds a bit like Overwatch and its cadre of heroes and their special abilities, well, that's because it is-a little. Each specialist in Black Ops 4 is still mostly the same as any other, however. They look different and sound different, but they all run the same speed and have the same amount of life.

You still need to pick a class which are just basic loadouts that you can customize. Yes, these special abilities and supers add a new layer of gameplay to the mix, but by and large this is still a twitch shooter that's all about reflexes and aim.